**This is a condensed version of the Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. These minutes are not the official approved version. For a complete and/or approved version of the Banner County Board of Commissioner meeting minutes, please contact Katie West, Banner County Clerk during regular business hours.**



The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse on

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 5:30 pm.

Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication in the Western Nebraska Observer. A copy of proof of publication is on file in the office of the Banner County Clerk. Notices posted in Harrisburg, Nebraska at: Post Office, Banner County School, and the Banner County Courthouse.

The agenda for the meeting is kept current and is available during the regular business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on April 17, 2023.

Chairperson Darnall called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm. Roll call shows all members present. Also present: County Clerk Katie West; County Treasurer Kathy Natale; County Assessor Kacy Krakow; Sheriff Zane Hopkins; Road Superintendent Tom Neal and Weed Superintendent Tim Grubbs.

Chairperson Darnall stated that the open meetings act is posted in the back of this courtroom by the entrance.

Gifford led the group in prayer.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Agenda was examined. Motion by Darnall to accept the agenda moving Judd Allen from item I to item A. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

The minutes of the April 4, 2023 meeting were examined. Motion by Gifford to accept the minutes. Second by Darnall. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

Correspondence - Peet’s Farmer’s Co - op and Govenor Pillen issued a burn ban until midnight Saturday, April 23, 2023.

Public Comments - None.


Highway Dept - Tom Neal: Neal reported on the bike race in June. Neal will be attending Murphy Tractor seminar first week of May. Neal reported he has contacted FEMA on CR 6 project, but has not heard anything back.

Weed Supt: Tim Grubbs: Nothing to report at this time.

County Attorney - Mark Kovarik: Absent.

Treasurer - Kathy Natale: Natale reported she has contacted different investment opportunities to invest county funds. Rates at Banner Capitol are low, Natale would like to find better investments to invest county funds. Natale will work on the best investments for county monies.

County Clerk - Katie West: West reported training with MIPS on payroll and claims. Ashley (Morris) and West attended training in Morrill county. West has been doing elections training. West discussed removing the desk in the Judges’ chambers. Gifford mentioned adding desk(s) to the agenda and it can be discussed declaring surplus,

County Assessor - Kacy Krakow: Krakow reported almost completing the section corners for Banner County that Carl Gilbert, Banner County Surveyor has completed. Krakow has been working on lot map for Harrisburg. Personal property is due May 1 to avoid 10% interest.

Sheriff Hopkins: Sheriff Hopkins reported new decals are on the patrol vehicle. Sheriff reported complaints of excess speeding on the side streets in Harrisburg. Harrisburg is not considered a village, no zoning or residential district. Harrisburg is considered “a group of houses”, speed limit is 50 mph unless otherwise posted. State statute is that the County Board may set speed limits in designated areas.

County Surveyor - Carl Gilbert: Abesnt.

Commissioner Committee Reports:

Gifford; PADD, OHD, PPHD: Nothing to report. Gifford did attend the OHD and PADD regular meeting.

Anderson: Office of Aging and Region 1 Behavioral Health did not meet this month.

Darnall: Emergency Management meeting is Thursday, April 19.

Items of business before the board:

  1. County Health Insurance: Judd Allen (Nebraska Association of County Officials - NACO) - Allen reported NACO and Blue Cross Blue Shield will meet April 21, 2023 after which NACO will release the new renewal rates. Historically pool runs about 4%, last year this was a 17% increase due to COVID residual. Allen predicts this year should improve, falling back into the single digits. Banner County rates are based on age, gender, and zip code, not based on claims. In NACO pool, families pay same amount (number of children is irrelevant) $1,925.00/month. For family coverage: Blue Pride $3,000/month; Medica $3,062/month, and United Health $3,400. No action taken.

  2. Vacate Easement: Maddie Soule revisited the issues with section line between section 19 and section 20 joining her property. Soule requested Banner County release the easements to the road existing between the two sections and release the land back to landowners. Darnall asked if this was a Banner County road. Soule explained that it was not a Banner County road, but Banner County had an easement on it. Robert Brenner stated there is no legal, written document, therefore, there can be no action taken by the Board of Commissioners. Road Superintendent Tom Neal stated he has documents for an easement on said section line, but Banner County has never accepted the easement and it was never signed by the Board of Commissioners. Gifford stated Soule would need to discuss this with the County Attorney, Mark Kovarik to see what Banner County is responsible for in this case. “Road Closed” sign was discussed. Sheriff Hopkins recommended Soule’s replace the “Road Closed” sign with a “No Trespassing” or “Private Road” sign until the issue was resolved. No action taken.

  3. 2023 Weed Control Compliance Report: Tim Grubbs presented the Weed Control Compliance Report from 2022. Motion by Darnall to sign the 2022 report. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Gifford yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

  4. Hiring of Groundskeeper: Past salary for courthouse grounds was $300. Motion by Gifford to direct County Clerk West to advertise for a groundskeeper for the Banner County Courthouse grounds, this will include: watering, mowing, and landscaping. Salary to start at $350/month, negotiable. Applications due May 1, 2023. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Gifford yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

  5. Fuel Bids: Tom Neal presented two fuel bids. Bids were for 45,000 gallons of dyed diesel and 12,000 gallons of unleaded fuel. Westco $3.195 (diesel) and $3.165 (unleaded gas); Panhandle Co - op $3.195 (diesel) and $3.115 (gasoline). Motion by Anderson to contract with Panhandle Co - op April - December 2023. Second by Gifford. Roll call vote: Gifford yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

  6. Kimball Transit Donation: Kimball Transit is requesting donations for transit service in Banner County. Tabled until new budget takes affect.

  7. Appoint committee for Banner County Communications tower: A Five person committee is needed to research pricing and tower options. Motion by Darnall to appoint Tim Grubbs to form a committee. Committee should consist of a school administrator; a Banner County Road Department employee; a Banner County Sheriff’s office representative; and a Banner County Commissioner. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Gifford yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

  8. Resolution to authorize Banner County Treasurer to transfer ARPA funds: Banner County Treasurer Natale reported the county funds in CDs (matures in 40 months) is very low interest revenue for the county. Natale suggested moving funds from CDs to a more substantial investment(s) such as money market account(s) and NPAIT investments. CDs interest rate is currently 2.4%, moving monies into NPAIT would increase this to potentially 4.8%. $100 penalty per CD for early withdrawal. Anderson inquired about risks involved in taking this step. Motion by Gifford to approve Resolution 23 - 15. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote; Gifford yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried. Resolution 23 - 15

    WHEREAS, the County Treasurer has, and during the course of the year 2023 will have, from time to time, excess funds on hand and;

    WHEREAS, it is for the best interest of the County that such excess funds be invested in interest bearing accounts as determined by 77 - 2315 and 77 - 2340 revised statute of Nebraska;

    BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be authorized to maintain a portfolio of securities covering such investments as stipulated in 77 - 2315 revised statutes of Nebraska in NPAIT.

    Dated this 18th day of April 2023.

  1. Surplus Crown Victoria Patrol Car: Sheriff Hopkins would like to sell the old Sheriff car, placing the funds from the sale into a revolving account for safety items and other purchases. Motion by Gifford to authorize Sheriff Hopkins to sell the Crown Victoria car. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Gifford yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

  2. Motion by Gifford to pay the following claims and funds be drawn on appropriate accounts. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Gifford yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.


Joe Toth - $12.00; Star Herald - $17.18; PT Hose - $808.74; Platte River Glass - $80.00; Peetz - $538.39; Verizon Connect - $32.38; Verizon Connect - $23.16; Nebraska Dept. of Roads - $284.00; Murphy Tractor - $834.84; Frank Parts - $19.988; Century Link - $85.20; AT & T - $33.04; Wyrulec - $21.63; WPCI - $43.25; Comfort Inn - $256.40; Comfort Inn - $392.00; Galls - $14.88; Banner County Court - $17.00; Colonial Life - $55.37; DAS State Accounting - $127.28; Eakes Office - $32.12; Ellison, Kovarik, & Truman - $1,888.75; Holiday Inn - $374.85; Ideal/Bluffs Facility Solutions - $436.65; MIPS - $1717.48; Nebraska Weed Control Association - $85.00; Nebraska Department of Labor - $443.00; Pack Rat - $45.00; Quadient - $300.00; USDA - $2,216.64; Vistabeam - $186.90.

Motion by Gifford to adjourn meeting at 8:12 pm. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.

Next Meeting - May 2, 2023

Board of Commissioners - 8:45 am.